Monday 18 April 2016

Luxury Car Rental for Uttarakhand Chardham, Budget Car Rental for Uttarakhand Chardham, Economy Car Rental for Uttarakhand Chardham

We provide Car Rental for Uttarakhand Chardham and have a large number of satisfactory client lists from all over India. We offer cars on rent for travelling specially Uttarakhand Chardham. With us you can take pleasure in safe and dependable medium to travel. We make sure passenger relieve to the minutest information. We are devoted to achieve organization in car rental manufacturing. We respect your fast changing requirements and give us probable best to serve you with unsurpassed brilliance service. All tourists pending in to Uttarakhand, whether foreign or domestic; hire a car for relieve and a hassle free transportation in Uttarakhand. We make all your comforts and services close at hand. Car Rental for Uttarakhand Chardham provided by us gives a chance to travel around the land of GOD and its beauty at the most cheap rates. With a rich and irresistible knowledge of many years, we are dedicated towards providing the best services in the private transport developed. An added benefit is that we are with no trouble easy to get to since we are situated in central and prime location of Uttarakhand and are accessible 24x7.
The Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra purges the mind of pilgrims and offers them huge peace of mind. Further, it takes them close to massive, which showers his blessings on them a lot. Availing whichever of the Uttarakhand Chardham yatra packages is the most outstanding way to travel around this slice of heaven. In difference, Kedarnath is loyal to Lord Shiva whereas Badrinath is enthusiastic to Lord Vishnu. In adding this, people in adding take a trip to Hemkund Sahib in the locality, which is one of the highest located spiritual places in the state. Therefore, pilgrims visit all these places in goal of washing away their sins and to attain salvation, by the approval of the Lord. Due to Picturesque surroundings, high altitude ton region (Himalayas), dense forests, large valley and enticing environment gives an possibility to visitors to unwind themselves by breathing fresh air with information of majestic locations.
Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra 2015 is dying to start as of April and will end in October or November.  Uttarakhand Chardham include many of packages to total the provisions of pilgrims hailing from unlike corners of the earth These packages are completely customizable and are sure create your journey full of soothe, expediency and endorsement. Our strict process of hiring a take include address confirmation, systematically medical test, testing driving skills, ability to be grateful for core skill to administer our vehicles, knowledge with the city and all criteria necessary licensing. Get hire a car with us and enjoy your religious tour. 

Friday 15 April 2016

Badrinath tour, Badrinath yatra, Badrinath tour packages

Badrinath known as Vishal Badri, this temple situated at the height of 3,133 mts. is the largest Himalayas and most popular of Vishnu pilgrimages among the five Badries. The original temple here is believed to be built by King Pururava and the icon of the lord carved by Vishwakarma, the creator of the gods. The idol was recovered by Adi Shankaracharya from the waters of the nearby Naradkund and consecrated once more in the temple, restored in the 19th century by the royal houses of Scindia & Holker. So holy in these shrines that it forms one of the four prominent places of Hindu worship. The epic Mahabharata, it is believed, was composed in the Vyas and Ganesh caves close by. The Vishnu Ganga which later becomes Alaknanda flows below the while Neelkanth keeps vigil over all devotees.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Badrinath Yatra, Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra, Uttarakhand Chardham

At Uttarakhand Chardham Tour Packages, we have tried to give all information and services about the chardham (Yamunotri, Gangotri, Sri Kedarnath, and Sri Badrinath) who helps the traveler, want to visit Chardham Yatra. The company is running and handles by a good capable team members having many years of experience in tourism. Our company aim is Customer satisfaction and quality services. Our company has always provided the best excellence service to its clients. Our aim is to serve all customers and other fanciers to with no trouble access the Indians famous pilgrimage places and its other natural beauties. We have young, talented and well-informed team members. always motivates to reply your queries, this has counted as a standing to us to provide best tour and travel operator in India by our clients and partners. Now you can have a very on edge and problem free Pilgrimage Tours in India. Where you leave the entire predicament to us.
Badrinath Tour Package:  Badrinath yatra is also known as Ek Dham yatra. The Badrinath temple is located in Uttrakhand, in the Himalayan area of India. Badrinath tour is single among the Uttarakhand Chardham tour. Chardham Yatra, the city of the Gods believes the Dham of Moksha. This stony region of Badrinath is traveled by thousands of pilgrims in every year. The holy spaces trip in Badrinath ji is a significant Hindu pilgrimage. Ek dham yatra or Badrinath tour pack up is positioned in the attractive tourist places as Har-ki-Pauri, Ganga Aarti, Deoprayag, Rudraprayag, Karnprayag and loads of Kunds such as Tapt Kund, Narad Kund and etc. Badrinath tour provides their guests or pilgrims for on the road these attractive and holly section because these spaces links us to my God and divinity. Badrinath known as Vishal Badri, this temple situated at the elevation of 3,133 mts. is the major Himalayas and most accepted of Vishnu pilgrimages among the five Badries. The original temple here is supposed to be built by King Pururava and the icon of the lord carved by Vishwakarma, the creator of the gods. The idol was healthier by Adi Shankaracharya from the waters of the nearby Naradkund and holy once more in the temple, restored in the 19th century by the royal houses of Scindia and Holker. So holy in these shrines that it forms one of the four famous places of Hindu worship. The epic Mahabharata, it is believed, was collected in the Vyas and Ganesh caves close by. The Vishnu Ganga which later becomes Alaknanda flows underneath the while Neelkanth keeps vigil over all devotees.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Badrinath Yatra | Badrinath Yatra Packages | Badrinath Tour Packages

Badrinath Tour Package:  Badrinath yatra is also known as Ek Dham yatra. The Badrinath temple is located in Uttrakhand, in the Himalayan area of India. Badrinath tour is single among the Uttarakhand Chardham tour. Chardham Yatra, the city of the Gods believes the Dham of Moksha. This rocky region of Badrinath is traveled by thousands of pilgrims in each year. The holy places tour in Badrinath ji is an important Hindu pilgrimage. Ek dham yatra or Badrinath tour package is positioned in the attractive tourist places as Har-ki-Pauri, Ganga Aarti, Deoprayag, Rudraprayag, Karnprayag and many Kunds such as Tapt Kund, Narad Kund and etc. Badrinath tour provides their visitors or pilgrims for touring these attractive and holly province because these places links us to my God and Goddess. 

Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra , Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra Packages

पंचचूली पर्वत श्रृंखला, पिथौरागढ़
अद्भुत heart emoticon आलौकिक heart emoticon असाधारण heart emoticon

Saturday 9 April 2016

uttarakhand chardham yatra, Uttarakhand chardham tour, Chardham tour uttarakhand

We have young, talented and knowledgeable team members. always motivates to reply your queries, this has counted as a reputation to us to provide best tour and travel operator in India by our clients and partners. Now you can have a very on edge and trouble free Pilgrimage Tours in India. Where you leave all the troubles to us.

uttarakhand chardham tour packages, uttarakhand chardham yatra

At UTTARAKHAND CHARDHAM TOUR PACKAGES, we have tried to give all information and services about the chardham (Yamunotri, Gangotri, Sri Kedarnath, Sri Badrinath) who helps the tourist, want to visit chardham Yatra. The company is running and handled by a good qualified team members having many years of experience in tourism.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Uttarakhand chardham tour

इस नवरात्री पर आपके लिए नौ उपहार
(1) सुख
(2) शान्ति
(3) समृद्धि
(4) संस्कार
(5) सफलता
(6) संयम
(7) सरलता
(8) स्वास्थ्य
(9) संकल्प
माँ दुर्गा आप सभी को निरोग और स्वास्थ्य प्रदान करे आप सभी खुश रहे
शुभ नवरात्रि

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Uttarakhand Chardham | Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra

Travel Information about Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra 2016

Kedarnath Yatra | Kedarnath Yatra Packages | Kedarnath Tour Packages

केदारनाथ मंदिर व उसकी कथा के बारे में।
उत्तराखण्ड में हिमालय पर्वत की गोद में केदारनाथ मन्दिर बारह ज्योतिर्लिंग में सम्मिलित होने के साथ चार धाम और पंच केदार में से भी एक है। मंदिर का गर्भगृह वाला भाग पांडवों द्वारा बनाया गया था । मन्दिर का निर्माण किसने कराया, इसका कोई प्रामाणिक उल्लेख नहीं मिलता है, लेकिन हाँ ऐसा भी कहा जाता है कि इसकी स्थापना आदि गुरु शंकराचार्य ने की थी जो की स्थानीय लोगों द्वारा कहानियों में भी सुना गया है। बाहर प्रांगण में नन्दी बैल वाहन के रूप में विराजमान हैं।
• इस ज्योतिर्लिंग की स्थापना का इतिहास संक्षेप में यह है कि हिमालय के केदार श्रृंग पर भगवान विष्णु के अवतार महातपस्वी नर और नारायण ऋषि तपस्या करते थे। उनकी आराधना से प्रसन्न होकर भगवान शंकर प्रकट हुए और उनके प्रार्थनानुसार ज्योतिर्लिंग के रूप में सदा वास करने का वर प्रदान किया। यह स्थल केदारनाथ पर्वतराज हिमालय के केदार नामक श्रृंग पर अवस्थित हैं।
• पंचकेदार की कथा ऐसी मानी जाती है कि महाभारत के युद्ध में विजयी होने पर पांडव भ्रातृहत्या के पाप से मुक्ति पाना चाहते थे। इसके लिए वे भगवान शंकर का आशीर्वाद पाना चाहते थे, लेकिन वे उन लोगों से रुष्ट थे। भगवान शंकर के दर्शन के लिए पांडव काशी गए, पर वे उन्हें वहां नहीं मिले। वे लोग उन्हें खोजते हुए हिमालय तक आ पहुंचे। भगवान शंकर पांडवों को दर्शन नहीं देना चाहते थे, इसलिए वे वहां से अंतध्र्यान हो कर केदार में जा बसे। दूसरी ओर, पांडव भी लगन के पक्के थे, वे उनका पीछा करते-करते केदार पहुंच ही गए। भगवान शंकर ने तब तक बैल का रूप धारण कर लिया और वे अन्य पशुओं में जा मिले। पांडवों को संदेह हो गया था। अत: भीम ने अपना विशाल रूप धारण कर दो पहाडों पर पैर फैला दिया। अन्य सब गाय-बैल तो निकल गए, पर शंकर जी रूपी बैल पैर के नीचे से जाने को तैयार नहीं हुए। भीम बलपूर्वक इस बैल पर झपटे, लेकिन बैल भूमि में अंतध्र्यान होने लगा। तब भीम ने बैल की त्रिकोणात्मक पीठ का भाग पकड़ लिया। भगवान शंकर पांडवों की भक्ति, दृढ संकल्प देख कर प्रसन्न हो गए। उन्होंने तत्काल दर्शन देकर पांडवों को पाप मुक्त कर दिया। उसी समय से भगवान शंकर बैल की पीठ की आकृति-पिंड के रूप में श्री केदारनाथ में पूजे जाते हैं। ऐसा माना जाता है कि जब भगवान शंकर बैल के रूप में अंतर्ध्यान हुए, तो उनके धड़ से ऊपर का भाग काठमाण्डू में प्रकट हुआ। अब वहां पशुपतिनाथ का प्रसिद्ध मंदिर है। शिव की भुजाएं तुंगनाथ में, मुख रुद्रनाथ में, नाभि मदमदेश्वर में और जटा कल्पेश्वर में प्रकट हुए। इसलिए इन चार स्थानों सहित श्री केदारनाथ को पंचकेदार कहा जाता है। यहां शिवजी के भव्य मंदिर बने हुए हैं।

Uttarakhand chardham yatra,chardham tour packages 2016, uttarakhand char...

Monday 4 April 2016

Uttarakhand Chardham tour, Uttarakhand Chardham tour packages, Uttarakhand Chardham yatra

Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra is one of the most luxuries Uttarakhand Chardham yatra by the populace who wants to darshan of Uttarakhand Chardham. The Uttarakhand Chardham well documented as Badrinath Dham, Kedarnath Dham, Gangotri Dham and Yamunotri Dham. So that our pilgrim be clever to make the puja and darshan of Uttarakhand Chardham. There packages are for family, Small group with housing in Deluxe hotels and quite fitting transport by indigo, In nova, Deluxe tempo traveler, Deluxe Innova, SUV Cars etc. We Uttarakhand Chardham operate the predesigned tour of luxurious Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra packages from Delhi as well as Haridwar. One more main thing is the Himalaya hills are completely sheltered of snow so the temple is opened for partial period as well. Those who are training to visit the mentioned places should go through opening particulars.
At  Uttarakhand Chardham   tour we spontaneous you in Delhi Railway Station or Airport, 2 X 1 Deluxe 12 Seater Mini AC Coach Delhi, 2 X 2 Deluxe 22 Seater Push Back AC Coach Delhi and all ac cabs/taxis. For your accommodation A.C Rooms at Rishikesh, Uttarkashi, Rudraprayag and Haridwar, Double / Family sharing somewhere to live, Accommodation in Kedarnath. Accommodation in Deluxe Hotels, Govt. food we provide you Morning Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner During. With   Uttarakhand Chardham   tour we also give you hot irrigate Facility during   Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra. Other services Uttarakhand Chardham present you like flattering aarti Darshan at Shri Badrinath ji Temple and also a tour Guide. The Uttarakhand Chardham tour is above all meant to seek liberation, peace and stay holy. Nothing feels holier than listen to the devotional chants that caress one's spirit. Further, it is not just that citizen’s approach here for receiving salvation; they visit these sacred sites so as to attain enlightenment, to knowledge serenity and religion. The Uttarakhand Chardham tour is purposely meant for spiritual renewal and salvation and so the devotees set themselves towards the tough land and bear any type of pains and burdens to get rid from earthly sufferings. Make a call and reserve your Uttarakhand Chardham tour with Uttarakhand Chardham. We glad to serve you a spiritual tour with best services. The cold conditions of such areas can freeze the body so citizens should take the warm clothes next to with them. Make a call or email us then we will make your tour package and serve you great services with reasonable rate. We pleased to serve you our Uttarakhand Chardham tour.

Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra, Chardham tour Uttarakhand, Uttarakhand Chardham

Uttarakhand Chardham circuit in Uttarakhand is getting lost charm back. All roads, hotels have been repaired and reconstructed and to give better infrastructure, union minister of transport and shipping, announce a financial assistance of Rs 1,300 crores to create new roads for Uttarakhand’s well-known Chardham circuit. Upgrading work is in full swing despite winter period and grave snow fall to prepare more smooth routes before starting Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra 2016. According to the legend, Goddess Ganga descends upon Earth in the form of a river to help the anguish humanity. As the Earth would be not capable to endure the force of her fall, the holy Ganges was split into channels, each of which also came to be careful as sacred. Four of these channels flow history the four Dhams, namely Alaknanda (in Badrinath), Mandakini (in Kedarnath), Bhagirathi (in Gangotri) and Yamuna (in Yamunotri)...It is also said that heaven and earth meet in these holy spots, and to be born or die here is a boon only the extremely providential have. The Uttarakhand Chardham must be visit from left to right -beginning with Yamunotri, going on to Gangotri, then Kedarnath and conclude the journey at Badrinath. This way follows the Hindu organization of parikrama.
It is also said that paradise and earth touch in these holy acne, and to be born or die at this time is a boon only the extremely lucky have. The Uttarakhand Chardham must be visit from left to right - create with Yamunotri, going on to Gangotri, Kedarnath and culminating the trip at Badrinath. This route follows the Hindu tradition of parikrama or clockwise circumambulation. Chardhams are hustling and bustling with movement during the summer months, as hundreds of devotees embark upon the holy journey. The picturesque environs of the mountainous region are simply beguiling, giving the visitors a perfect chance to unwind themselves by satisfying their lungs with new air. Furthermore, these or else silent and tranquil locales reverberate with the names of the Lord as the pilgrims go forward towards their purpose. This exalted trip was being initiated thousands years ago in 8th Century by the huge reformer and theorist Adi Shankaracharya and since then the Uttarakhand Chardham tour is friendly many pilgrims at such tremendous location. This overvalued journey starts from Haridwar, the perfect entry to God and can be reached to Uttarkashi for Gangotri and Yamunotri shrine and be finished at Chamoli by visit the Badrinath Temple.

Kedarnath Yatra | Kedarnath Yatra Packages | Kedarnath Tour Packages

Sunday 3 April 2016

kedarnath yatra, Kedarnath Tour

Kedarnath is one of the holiest temples, the Kedarnath Temple, and is a well-liked intention for Hindu pilgrims from all over the world, life form one of the four chief sites in India's Chota Chardham pilgrimage. The temple was being constructed by Adi Shankaracharya and was advantaged by the name of King Kedar, the leader of Satya Yuga. Due to heavy snowfall in winters, the temple is only open end of April to Kartik Purnima… During winters, the idol as of the Shri Kedarnath Dham is carry to Ukhimath and worshipped present for six month. The Kedarnath Temple committee office organizes booking for individual Pooja which is perform before the general Darshan in the morning. Kedarnath Yatra more often than not start from Haridwar ( Hari ka Dwar). Kedarnath yatra 2016 Kapat open on 09 May 2016. We have been presence to the needs and supplies of tourists and pilgrims for a long time now. And we really know what please you and what will create you come to Uttarakhand over and once additional. If you are involved in a Chardham tour of Uttarakhand, Uttarakhand Chardham is at your service to offer you with the best at a price you would love to pay.
Contact us for booking
+91 9897 973255
+91 9720 678777

Saturday 2 April 2016

Uttarakhand chardham tour packages

Uttarakhand Chardham, one of the best Chardham Yatra tour provides Uttarakhand chardham, uttarakhand chardham yatra, uttarakhand cahrdham yatra packages, chardham yatra packages, chardham yatra pacakages 2016, chardham tour packages, cahrdham tour packages 2016, uttarakhand char dham yatra, uttarakhand char dham yatra, packages, char dham yatra packages, tour packages chardham yatra, tour packages chardham yatra 2016.

call for booking +91 9897 973255   +91 9720 678777

Friday 1 April 2016

Uttarakhand chardham yatra packages, Uttarakhand Chardham, Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra

Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra Tours, the association spreading smiles and happy reminiscences to all the travelers visit India through us, by the combined effort of Experienced Management and Young and Enthusiastic Team to follow. This mixture of experience and devotion always help our customers to make their dream vacations to realism. These 4 sacred spaces are located in the Himalaya Mountain in Uttarakhand. One of the main civilizations of this Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra is that it is complete from west to east, i.e. Chardham Yatra starts from Yamunotri, and then Gangotri, Kedarnath and lastly ends at Badrinath. Thus, pilgrims call all these places in ambition of washing absent their sins and to attain deliverance by the blessings of the Lord and ensure the release from the cycle of birth and death. The honor conferred on these places is not astonishing. These are regarded as the most sacred of all Himalayan ranges. The Uttarakhand Chardham must be visited from left to right -start with Yamunotri, going on to Gangotri, then Kedarnath and culminate the trip at Badrinath. It is also said that paradise and earth meet in these holy spots, and to be natural or die here is a boon only the very lucky have.  This route follows the Hindu custom of parikrama.
Uttarakhand Chardham, one of the most excellent Chardham Yatra tour provides Chardham Tour Packages all through the year 2016 with excellence service, hence makes it memorable. It is also said that heaven and earth converge inthese holy spots, and to be natural or die here is a boon only the very fortunate have. Beside Chardham Tour Packages, one can customize his tour according to his requirements. Some of the best Chardham Yatra packages include: For one, they are all in the icy Garhwal ranges andregarded as the most sacred of all Himalayan ranges. The Uttarakhand Chardham must be visited from left to right -foundation with Yamunotri, going on to Gangotri, Kedarnath and culminating the journey at Badrinath. We have a team capable and well-informed staff and here you can decide your tailor made tour for Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra Packages 2016. This route follows the Hindu tradition of parikrama or clockwise circumambulation. We have information of more than 12 year of as long as Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra 2016 to our precious clients. We offer complete travel services within Uttarakhand and outside Uttarakhand.

Thursday 31 March 2016

Uttarakhand chardham yatra

Be a part of Spritual Tour
Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra Booking Open
Call : +91 9897 973255
+91 9720 678777

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Uttarakhand chardham tour

uttarakhand chardham is well known chardham tour provider in all over india. we have manny fulli satisfied clients and they enjoy and make his trip memorable. if yoy plan out to uttarakhand chardham yatra 2016 so you can cantact us and resurve our chardham tour packages facility with very best and cheap price.

jalyatra uttarakhand, jay devbhumi uttarakhand, chardham uttarakhand yatra

Valley of flower


uttαrαkhαnd chαrdhαm σffєrs чσu hєrє chαrdhαm чαtrα wíth vαllєч σf flσwєrs. чαmunσtrí gαngσtrí kєdαrnαth αnd вαdrínαth αrє fσur mαín shrínєs ín gαrhwαl hímαlαчα. gαumukh ís thє вαsís σf rívєr gαngєs whích ís αlmσst 19 kms frσm thє strєєt hєαd σf gαngσtrí. hєmkund sαhíв, vαllєч σf flσwєrs αnd pαnch kєdαr wαч ís σnє σf mαín αppєαl ín gαrhwαl hímαlαчα. suвtєrrαnєαn ín thє mínd σf thє hímαlαчαs, ís thís stunníng 'vαllєч σf flσwєrs'. mαnч dívєrsítч σf hímαlαчαn wíld plαnts вlσσm hєrє. pσst mσnsσσns, thє flσσr σf thє vαllєч ís shєltєrєd wíth α cαrpєt σf mчríαd cσlσrs. ít ís αn írrєsístíвlє síght σf cσlσrs wíth α вαlαncíng вαck fαll σf rєgαl pєαk.

Monday 28 March 2016

Uttarakhand chardham yatra

सुबह का समय हर प्राणी के लिए मह्त्बपूर्ण होता है जब हर कोई आराम करने के बाद अपनी रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी की शुरुआत करता है। सुबह की इस बेला में आइये हम सब प्रभु का स्मरण करें।

Uttarakhand chardham

अपने मिशन में कामयाब होने के लिए , आपको अपने लक्ष्य के प्रति एकचित्त निष्ठावान होना पड़ेगा.

Sunday 27 March 2016

Uttarakhand chardham

Uttarakhand Chardham kapat realeasing Date :
Yamunotri Temple – The Kapat of Shri Yamunotri Temple will open on 9 May 2016.
Gangotri Temple – The Kapat of Shri Gangotri Temple will open on 9 May 2016.
Kedarnath Temple – The Kapat of Shri Kedarnath Temple will open on 10 May April 2016.
Badrinath Temple – The Kapat of Shri Badrinath Temple will open on 11 May 2016.

Sunday 13 March 2016

उत्तराखंड चारधाम – चारधाम उत्तराखंड – उत्तराखंड चारधाम यात्रा – देवभूमि उत्तराखंड

चारधाम यात्रा उत्तराखण्ड राज्य में स्थित बद्रीनाथ, गंगोत्री, यमुनोत्री और केदारनाथ की यात्रा को कहते है। यह एक  धार्मिक यात्रा है. पर्त्येक साल लाखो  की संख्या मै शर्दालू दर्शन करने आते है. बद्रीनाथ धाम चमोली जिले मै, केदारनाथ धाम रुद्रप्रयाग जिले मै, और गंगोत्री धाम और यमुनोत्री धाम उत्तरकाशी जिले मै इश्तिथ है.
बद्रीनाथ धाम हिमालय में स्थित पवित्र स्थानों में से एक है। यह उत्तराखंड के बद्रीनाथ में समुद्र तल से 3133 मीटर की उंचाई पर स्थित है। बद्रीनाथ मंदिर भगवान विष्णु को समर्पित है और माना जाता है कि उन्होंने इस पवित्र स्थान में तपस्या की थी। भगवान बद्री नारायण ने एक हाथ में शंख और दूसरे हाथ में चक्र पकड़ रखा है। दोनों हाथ उनकी गोद में योगमुद्रा में हैं। इस तीर्थस्थल का दौरा करने का सबसे अच्छा समय मानसून छोड़कर मई से अक्टूबर तक है। पौराणिक मान्यताओं के अनुसार जब देवी लक्ष्मी ने भगवान विष्णु को खुले में तपस्या करते देखा तो उन्हें विपरीत मौसम से बचाने के लिए बद्री वृृक्ष का रुप धर लिया। इसलिए मंदिर का नाम बद्री नारायण पड़ा। मंदिर के वर्तमान स्वरुप का निर्माण गढ़वाल के राजाओं ने कराया था।
उत्तराखण्ड में हिमालय पर्वत की गोद में केदारनाथ मन्दिर बारह ज्योतिर्लिंग में सम्मिलित होने के साथ चार धाम[क] और पंच केदार[ख] में से भी एक है। यहाँ की प्रतिकूल जलवायु के कारण यह मन्दिर अप्रैल से नवंबर माह के मध्‍य ही दर्शन के लिए खुलता है। पत्‍थरों से बने कत्यूरी शैली से बने इस मन्दिर के बारे में कहा जाता है कि इसका निर्माण पाण्डव वंश के जनमेजय ने कराया था। यहाँ स्थित स्वयम्भू शिवलिंग अति प्राचीन है। आदि शंकराचार्य ने इस मन्दिर का जीर्णोद्धार करवाया।
गंगोत्री गंगा नदी का उद्गम स्थान है। गंगाजी का मंदिर, समुद्र तल से 3042 मीटर की ऊँचाई पर स्थित है। भागीरथी के दाहिने ओर का परिवेश अत्यंत आकर्षक एवं मनोहारी है। यह स्थान उत्तरकाशी से 100 किमी की दूरी पर स्थित है। गंगा मैया के मंदिर का निर्माण गोरखा कमांडर अमर सिंह थापा द्वारा 18 वी शताब्दी के शुरूआत में किया गया था वर्तमान मंदिर का पुननिर्माण जयपुर के राजघराने द्वारा किया गया था।
चार धामों में से एक धाम यमुनोत्री से यमुना का उद्गम मात्र एक किमी की दूरी पर है। यहां बंदरपूंछ चोटी (6315 मी) के पश्चिमी अंत में फैले यमुनोत्री ग्लेशियर को देखना अत्यंत रोमांचक है। गढ़वाल हिमालय की पश्चिम दिशा में उत्तरकाशी जिले में स्थित यमुनोत्री चार धाम यात्रा का पहला पड़ाव है। यमुना पावन नदी का स्रोत कालिंदी पर्वत है। तीर्थ स्थल से एक कि. मी. दूर यह स्थल 4421 मी. ऊँचाई पर स्थित है। दुर्गम चढ़ाई होने के कारण श्रद्धालू इस उद्गम स्थल को देखने से वंचित रह जाते हैं। यमुनोत्री का मुख्य मंदिर यमुना देवी को समर्पित है। पानी के मुख्य स्रोतों में से एक सूर्यकुण्ड है जो गरम पानी का स्रोत है।
·         बद्रीनाथ, केदारनाथ, यमुनोत्री और गंगोत्री को हिंदू धर्म में सर्वाधिक पवित्र तीर्थ स्थल कहा गया है।
·         इन सभी तीर्थस्थलों के हिमालय पर्वत श्रेणी की गोद में होने से इनका महत्व धार्मिक पर्यटन की दृष्टि से भी बहुत ज्यादा बढ़ जाता हैं।
·         चार धाम के दर्शन एक ही यात्रा में करने पर धार्मिक आधार पर पहले यमुनोत्री फिर गंगोत्री उसके बाद केदारनाथ और आखिर में बद्रीनाथ जाया जाता है।
·         कहते है कि यहां यात्रा न सिर्फ पाप मुक्त करती है बल्कि जन्म और मृत्यु के चक्र से परे ले जाती है।
·         गढ़वाल हिमालय की पश्चिम दिशा में उत्तरकाशी ज़िले में स्थित यमुनोत्री चार धाम यात्रा का पहला पड़ाव है।

Friday 4 March 2016

Nanda Devi - Nanda Rajjat yatra - Uttarakhand Chardham tour

नंदा देवी समूचे गढ़वाल मंडल और कुमाऊं मंडल और हिमालय के अन्य भागों में जन सामान्य की लोकप्रिय देवी हैं। नंदा की उपासना प्राचीन काल से ही किये जाने के प्रमाण धार्मिक ग्रंथों, उपनिषद और पुराणों में मिलते हैं। रुप मंडन में पार्वती को गौरी के छ: रुपों में एक बताया गया है। भगवती की ६ अंगभूता देवियों में नंदा भी एक है। नंदा को नवदुर्गाओं में से भी एक बताया गया है। भविष्य पुराण में जिन दुर्गाओं का उल्लेख है उनमें महालक्ष्मी, नंदा, क्षेमकरी, शिवदूती, महाटूँडा, भ्रामरी, चंद्रमंडला, रेवती और हरसिद्धी हैं। शिवपुराण में वर्णित नंदा तीर्थ वास्तव में कूर्माचल ही है। शक्ति के रुप में नंदा ही सारे हिमालय में पूजित हैं।
नंदा के इस शक्ति रुप की पूजा गढ़वाल में करुली, कसोली, नरोना, हिंडोली, तल्ली दसोली, सिमली, तल्ली धूरी, नौटी, चांदपुर, गैड़लोहवा आदि स्थानों में होती है। गढ़वाल में राज जात यात्रा का आयोजन भी नंदा के सम्मान में होता है।

Triyugi Narayan Temple - Triyugi Narayan Yatra - Uttarakhand Tour

Triyugi Narayan temple / village is situated near Gauri Kund about 15 km by motorable road at a height of 1980 meters ( 6500 ft.). Architect of this temple resembles the Sri Kedarnath temple, built by Adi Shankarachrya, dedicated to Lord Vishnu, having a silver image two foot tall accompanied by Ma Lakshmi and Ma Saraswati.
This temple is witness to the celestial marriage of Lord Shiva and Ma Parvati. Lord Vishnu completed all the formalities of as a brother and Lord Brhama creator of world as a priest in the presence of “Rishis” sages of that time , the place is marked by a stone called Brhama Shila...

Uttarakhand Chardham Tour | Chardham Tour Packages | Uttarakhand Chardham Tour Packages

Chardham Yatra in Uttarkhand has been usually known as one of the holiest journey for Hindus. A trip to Uttarakhand Char Dham is believed to wash away all sins and sanitize the soul which is why lakhs of people from India and even abroad travel to Uttarkhand from travelling to the Char Dhams. However even holy spaces are from time to time not spared from the fury of natural world. There was a disaster back in 2013 which resulted in irresistible loss of life and limb in Uttarakhand. Since then there has been a lot of speculation in the country about the safety and the ability of the infrastructure of Uttarkhand to withstand the pressure of tourist flow for holy Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra. However the good news is that Uttarkhand has redeveloped and strengthen its services in the following ways. The honor confer on these places is not amazing. For one, they are all in the icy Garhwal ranges and look upon as the the majority sacred of all Himalayan ranges. It is also said that paradise and earth meet in these holy spots, and to be usual or die here is a advantage only the very blessed have. The Chardham must be appointment from left to correct - start with Yamunotri, going on to Gangotri, Kedarnath and end the voyage at Badrinath. This route follows the Hindu custom of parikrama or clockwise circumambulation. Chardham yatra is a religious tour and thousands of devotees come to Uttarakhand chardham yatra each year from all parts of India and abroad. all dham has its own history and has significant values in the spirit of Hindus. You can book anytime a taxi in Dehradun, Haridwar and Rishikesh with us.

Monday 29 February 2016

Economy Chardham Tour | Economy Chardham Yatra | Economy Chardham Yatra Packages

Uttarkhand Chardham Yatra in has been usually known as one of the holiest journeys for Hindus. We offer an economy Chardham Yatra for the people who wants to explore the Chardham Uttarakhand. We provide the all the necessary requirement of the pilgrim like taxi service, hotel booking, tour guide, puja and darshan. So book your economy Chardham Yatra 2016 with us.
In Economy Chardham Tour Package we give you all the comforts throughout Chardham tour package. As we tell again you to book you Chardham yatra with Chardham package in go away forward. We are serving Chardham yatra from last 5 years and give the services to our customers of international level. People come once in their life to visit Chardham and they always keep high prospect of good arrangements from tour operators. Economy Chardham Tour always fulfills their needs by presents them a high superiority of service. We always deliver what we assure that’s why we have thousands of fulfilled guests all over the world and they always suggest our services to their friends and connections. All the spaces are so stunning scenery beauty bounded by high snow clad peaks. During Uttarakhand Chardham Yatra people want most knowledge driver with friendly personality. In the Economy Chardham Tour Package you are visiting at Most holy shrines of Hindus; a stay to the Shrines will make your Chardham Tour Package memorable Trip. Make a call and get your Economy Chardham tour with cheap rate. We pleasure to serve you an Uttarakhand Chardham religious tour. We will make your tour memorable and give you our services with best facilities and lowest rate.

Uttarakhand Tour | Uttarakhand Tour Packages | Uttarakhand Yatra Packages

Harshil is a village in a valley situated in on the bank of river Bhagirathi, at the confluence of the Jalandhari Gadh and the Bhagirathi, in the shadow of the mountain that lies at the head of the Baspa Valley (Uttarakhand). Harshil is connected to the Baspa valley by several passes including the Lamkhaga Pass. Apart from Matri and Kailash mountains, on the right side there is the Shrikanth peak, behind which lies Kedarnath, and in the rear there is Banderpunch. This hamlet is known for its natural beauty and delicious apples. The winding roads, tall conifers, mountains, the turbulent Bhagirathi, apple orchards, streams, waterfalls and green meadows — all typical of Harshil.

Sunday 28 February 2016

Deluxe chardham tour, deluxe chardham yatra, deluxe chardham yatra packages

Chardham Yatra is one of the best luxury chardham yatra by the people who wants to darshan of Uttarakhand Chardham. The Uttarakhand Chardham well known as Badrinath Dham, Kedarnath Dham, Gangotri Dham and Yamunotri Dham. We Uttarakhand Chardham operate the predesigned tour of Deluxe Chardham Yatra packages from Delhi as well as Haridwar. So that our pilgrim be able to make the puja and darshan of Uttarakhand Chardham

Saturday 27 February 2016

Uttarakhand Chardham yatra, Chardham Uttarakhand

Arsa is normally prepared and served as a sweet dish during the wedding occasions and also a basketful (kandi) of Arsa is presented to bride’s in-law's house (Sasural) along with jheenti (a long and twisted bagful of grains ). After she returned to her mother house (Maika , Mait). Arsa’s are normally prepared at night by villagers in which many people are involved. Ladies normally grind the rice in a master of thick stone (Okhali/Urkhyalu) and one or two specialist persons are engaged doing the rest of the job. The sweets are distributed to all villagers as a gift from girl’s mother’s house (Maika) and also to VVIP relatives of the bride coming from far village to attend the marriage of the girl.

देवभूमि उत्तराखंड , उत्तराखंड चारधाम यात्रा , चारधाम यात्रा

ए गाँव है मुनस्यारी तहसील के जोहार व दारमा घाटी के मध्य स्थित "रालम" समूचे मुनस्यारी में सबसे अधिक मात्रा में यारसा गम्भु ( कीढ़ा जड़ी ) यहीं पाई जाती है..

Friday 26 February 2016

Uttarakhand chardham, chardham tour packages, tour packages chardham yatra

We Uttarakhand Chardham is one of the single major company who provide the details about the Chardham Yatra Uttarakhand. Anyone can find the all types of Yatra Packages for Chardham, Do Dham Yatra Packages, Badrinath Yatra Packages, Kedarnath Yatra Packages, Gangotri Yatra Packages, Yamunotri Yatra Packages, Hemkund Yatra Packages, Chopta Tour Packages, Valley of Flower Tour Packages and many other Uttrakhand tour packages with us. We also provide the Hotel booking services in Chardham Yatra route as well as all over Uttrakhand, car rental for chardham, travel guide and many other services as per our valuable client requirement.