Saturday 27 February 2016

Uttarakhand Chardham yatra, Chardham Uttarakhand

Arsa is normally prepared and served as a sweet dish during the wedding occasions and also a basketful (kandi) of Arsa is presented to bride’s in-law's house (Sasural) along with jheenti (a long and twisted bagful of grains ). After she returned to her mother house (Maika , Mait). Arsa’s are normally prepared at night by villagers in which many people are involved. Ladies normally grind the rice in a master of thick stone (Okhali/Urkhyalu) and one or two specialist persons are engaged doing the rest of the job. The sweets are distributed to all villagers as a gift from girl’s mother’s house (Maika) and also to VVIP relatives of the bride coming from far village to attend the marriage of the girl.

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